Evelien Roels
Ancient History Telephone: (0)662-54 4189 |
Research Project
Textual monuments. Epigraphic dossiers on civic monuments in Hellenistic and Imperial Asia Minor (4th cent. BC – 3rd cent. AD)
Evelien Roels' profile on Academia.edu
Academic background
- 2008-2012: BA Classics with minors in Ancient History and Medieval & New Latin of the Renaissance – University of Amsterdam, Netherlands, Thesis: ‘Ubi sunt magnifica illa cognomina? The significance of the signa ‘Iovius’ and ‘Herculius’ under the tetrarchy (284 – 324 A.D.)
- 2012: Erasmus grant, Durham University, England (6 months)
- 2013-2015: MA Ancient History - Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, Germany. Thesis: ‘Valentinian III: optimus princeps Romae. The relationship and dynamics between the emperor and the Senatus populusque Romanus (425-455 A.D.)’
Job History
- 2012-2013: Teacher of Classics, Het 4e Gymnasium, Amsterdam and Jan van Egmond Lyceum, Purmerend, Netherlands
- 2014-2015: Tutor in Ancient History, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, Germany.
- 2015: Temporary Lecturer in Latin for Ancient History
- 2015 – present: PhD student in Ancient History, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, Germany. Subject of dissertation: The presence of text-monuments and the self-understanding of the civic community in Hellenistic and Imperia Asia Minor.
- 2011 – 2012: co-organizer of the Summerschool in Classics, University of Amsterdam/Free University Amsterdam.
- 2012 – 2013: Editor of Wau, student journal for Classics, University of Amsterdam
- 2014 – present: Editor of Roma Aeterna, a journal about Rome
- Feb.–March 2016: guest researcher at the University of Groningen, the Netherlands
- 2018 – present: board member of the Stichting Zenobia (Amsterdam)
Textual monuments. Epigraphic dossiers on civic monuments in Hellenistic and Imperial Asia Minor (4th cent. BC – 3rd cent. AD), submitted on 30.11.2018
- E. Roels, „Iovius Augustus en Herculius Caesar? Het belang van de signa ‘Iovius’ en ‘Herculius’ onder de keizers van de tetrarchie“, in: Skript Historisch Tijdschrift 35.1 (2014), 16-29 (Dutch)
- E. Roels, „Vertrek uit een verwoeste stad: Het afscheid van Rome in Rutilius Claudius Namatianus´ De reditu suo”, in Roma Aeterna 3.1 (2015), 34-47 (Dutch)
- Review of B. Edelmann-Singer, Koina und Concilia. Genese, Organisation und soziökonomische Funktion der Provinziallandtage im römischen Reich, Franz Steiner Verlag Stuttgart (2015). In HSozKult, published on 18.07.2016
- E. Roels and R. Hunsucker, "Eine vergessene Erinnerung an das byzantinische Rom: Neudeutung und Rezeptionsgeschichte einer Grabinschrift aus dem 7. Jahrhundert in der S. Cecilia in Trastevere", in: Mariëtte Verhoeven, Lex Bosman, and Hanneke van Asperen (eds.), Monuments and Memory, Christian Cult Buildings and Constructions of the Past. Essays in Honour of Sible de Blaauw, Brepols, Turnhout (2016), 31-42.
- E. Roels (ed.), Roma Aeterna 5. II: De beschreven stad, Amsterdam 2017.
- E. Roels, “Eeuwige letters. De voortdurende fascinatie van de Romeinse inscripties”, in: Roma Aeterna 5.II (2017), 10-23 (in Dutch).
- E. Roels, "Der Tempel als monumentaler Schriftträger: die Inschriften am Zeus-Tempel in Aizanoi", in: M. Böttner, L. Lieb, C. Vater und C. Witschel (eds.), 5300 Jahre Schrift, Wunderhorn, Heidelberg (2017), 50-53.
- E. Roels, “ἀναγράψαι δὲ τὸ ψήφισμα. The public monuments of Iasos and their function as Schriftträger”, in: Tijdschrift voor Mediterane Archeologie 58 (2018), 12-20 (in Dutch).
- E. Roels, “The queen of inscriptions contextualized. The presence of civic inscriptions in the pronaos of ancient temples in Hellenistic and Roman Asia Minor (fourth century BCE – second century CE)”, in: E. van Opstall (ed.), Sacred Thresholds: The Door to the Sanctuary in Late Antiquity (Religions in the Graeco-Roman World 185), Leiden/Boston 2018, 221-53.
„ἀναγράψαι δὲ τὸ ψήφισμα: The 'textual monuments' of Hellenistic Iasos and the phenomenon of publication clauses“, ‚New Voices in Epigraphy’, Graduate Conference Oxford (12-13.4.2018)
Kings, cities and priests. The display of civic inscriptions on the temple walls (7th cent. BC – 2nd cent. AD)“, international workshop ‚Understanding the epigraphy of Greek sanctuaries’ (9.-10.5.2017), organized by the SFB 933, Universität Heidelberg and WWU Münster
„The writing’s on the wall. Der Tempel als Schriftträger in den kleinasiatischen Städten im Hellenismus und der frühen Kaiserzeit“, 3. Deutsch-griechisches Doktorandenkolloquium ‚Archäologie und Geschichte’ (3.-4.11.2016), DAI Athen
„The power of inscribing. Civic dossiers on textual monuments in Hellenistic and Imperial Asia Minor“, international conference ‚Inscribing Power in Antiquity’ (20.-23.10.2016), LMU München„Inscribing the city. Textual monuments in Hellenistic and Imperial Asia Minor“, Impact of Empire-Symposium (1.4.2016), Rijksuniversiteit Groningen