Dr. Loreleï Vanderheyden
Coptic and Greek Papyrology, Palaeography and Textual Criticism Telephone: (0) 6221-54 35 55 |
Institute of Papyrology
Marstallstr. 6
Room 010
69117 Heidelberg
research interests
- Letters and Epistolary Culture in Antiquity
- Bilingualism and Multilingualism in Antiquity
- History of Late Antique Egypt
Education and Employment History
- July 2018-June 2019: Postdoctoral researcher in documentary Papyrology “Simboli grafici nelle scritture finalizzate a usi pratici greche della tarda antichità (secoli IV-VII)”, ERC-NOTAE Project hosted by La Sapienza, University of Rome, Italy.
- September 2016-June 2018: Research and Teaching Assistant, Collège de France, Chair: Written culture of Late Antiquity and Byzantine Papyrology (Prof. Fournet) Paris, France
2008-2015: PhD in Coptic Papyrology (History, texts and documents) [École Pratique des Hautes Études, Paris, France]
Dissertation Title: «Les lettres coptes des archives de Dioscore d’Aphroditê (VIe siècle; Égypte)»
Thesis honoured with the International Association for Coptic Studies Award for Academic Excellence in July 2016 (Prize for best doctoral dissertation in Coptic studies 2012-2016) - January-June 2013: Lecturer in the Coptic language at Egyptology faculty, Strasbourg University, France
- August 2012 and 2011: Intensive courses of Coptic language for beginners from every scholar backgrounds and levels, Louvain-la-Neuve, ABELAO summer-schools, Belgium
- 2006-2008: MA in Egyptology (University Lille 3-SHS, France)
- 2003-2006: BA in History and Archaeology (University Lille 3-SHS, France)
Publications: Text editions and History of Byzantine Egypt
- «Les lettres coptes de Dioscore d’Aphroditê», in Actes du XXVIe congrès international de papyrologie (Genève, 16-21 août 2010), P. Schubert (ed.), Publications de la Faculté des Lettres de l’Université de Genève 30, Genève, 2012, p. 793-799.
- «Lettre copte du dossier de Phoibadia» (= P.Stras.Copt. 14), in Coptica Argentoratensia, Textes et documents de la 3e université d’été de papyrologie copte (Strasbourg, 18-25 juillet 2010) réunis par A. Boud’hors, A. Delattre, C. Louis, T. S. Richter, Bibliothèque d’études coptes 19, Paris, 2014, p. 167 173.
- «Désigner et nommer en grec ou en copte? Bilinguisme toponymique de la campagne d’Aphroditê du VIe au VIIIe s.», in Décrire, imaginer, construire l’espace: Toponymie égyptienne de l’Antiquité au Moyen-Âge, S. Dhennin & Cl. Somaglino (ed.), Recherches d'archéologie, de philologie et d'histoire 39, Le Caire (IFAO), 2016, p. 217 231 (co-author I. Marthot).
- «The "Simaïka-Pacha" Association: salvaging a forgotten storage unit of the Coptic Museum, Cairo», in Coptic Society, Literature and Religion from Late Antiquity to Modern Times. Proceedings of the Tenth International Congress of Coptic Studies, Rome, September 17th-22th, 2012 and Plenary Reports of the Ninth International Congress of Coptic Studies, Cairo, September 15th-19th, 2008, P. Buzi, A. Camplani, F. Contardi (ed.), Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta, 247, Leuven - Paris - Bristol, 2016, p. 1537-1546 (co-author J. Auber de Lapierre).
- «Lettre» (edition of the P.Heid.Kopt. inv.174 = P.Heid.Kopt. 15), in Coptica Palatina. Koptische Texte, bearbeitet auf der 4. Internationalen Sommerschule für Koptische Papyrologie. Veröffentlichungen aus der Heidelberger Papyrussammlung. A. Boud’hors, A. Delattre, T. S. Richter, G. Schenke & G. Schmelz (ed.), Universitätsverlag Carl Winter, 2018, p. 96-101.
- "The Figure of Apollos, Father of Dioscorus, in the Light of Coptic Letters from Sixth-Century Aphrodito", in Living the End of Antiquity – Individual Histories from Byzantine to Islamic Egypt, S. R. Huebner et al. (eds.), De Gruyter, 2020, p. 119-128.
For direct links to articles, please check https://nct-heidelberg.academia.edu/Lorele%C3%AFVanderheyden
Digital humanities projects
College de France website
Creator of digital contents and tools available on Prof. Jean-Luc Fournet’s research page, including “Éditions et études papyrologiques disponibles en libre accès sur internet à partir de la Checklist of Greek, Latin, Demotic and Coptic Papyri, Ostraca and Tablets”). https://www.college-de-france.fr/media/culture-ecrite-antiquite-papyrologie-byzantine/UPL1136838564638901641_Checklist_avec_url_des_pdf__9XII17_.pdf -
Aphrodito Online
Project-in-progress aiming to present the material from the village of Aphrodito. Founding member with responsibility for the Coptic texts of this bilingual archive. -
Tutoriel de paléographie numérique des écritures (GRTP), PSL
Website providing tutorials for learning Greek and Coptic palaeographical method https://humanum.ephe.fr/ephe-palaeography-tutorial/fr/historical-documents-homepage?field_language_value=14